Thursday, September 15, 2011

Never Give Up --The Power of Prayer

Life is hard sometimes. But when problems hit close to home, it's even harder. When a close friend's relative lay in the hospital, close to dying, it was hard to accept. The doctor gave the grim news that the end was near, and all the signs were there. He was weak and barely able to speak. The priest was called to give the last rites.
Instead of accepting the inevitable, everyone close to the sick man, looked up and started to pray. I also sent healing prayers. Three days passed, a week passed and now it is almost a month, and the person whom the doctor said should be dead by now, is now sitting in a chair and eating.
It's a great thing knowing that a higher power has the power to heal. The Bible contains numerous examples of how people have been healed and survived after experiencing serious illnesses.
And yet the division between the medical community and spiritual healing seems to be wide. Doctors do not want to admit to a higher power and would probably not give much credit to the power of prayer in healing. They base a man's life span on his age, as though being 78 or 89 are reasons enough to have a man die. But why should be limit life to only the young? We should be allowed to live as long as God wills it.
It is about time that the hospital community woke up and embraced the fact that doctors do not decide when a patient will die. Sometimes, God, in his mercy, hears peoples' prayers and answers their prayers by extending the life of the patient.
This then is a true miracle provided by a higher power. Prayer will and can change a person's life. We are truly not alone.

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