Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Why are there No Regular Exercise Programs on TV?

Given the amount of obesity we have in society, it would make more sense if there was a TV channel that was devoted to just exercise and fitness.

Although I can sometimes see random programs from time to time about yoga, it is never on a regular basis and it is more likely to be an infomerical.

Wouldn't it be nice to see something on TV that provided useful advice about slimming those waistlines or toning up? There are programs like the Biggest Loser which showcases large people trying to lose weight.

We have the Shopping Network. Why not a fitness channel?

People like myself would be able to learn useful things about stretching, hula dancing and/or even belly dancing. This would be ideal for the house-bound, such as the elderly, mothers or people who are too lazy to go the gym. It is also very expensive to the gym.

Well, enough about wishful thinking. Perhaps if TV won't help, the only other alternatives are to buy a used DVD tape on exercise, cut down on food, and go for a daily walk. Life is going to be the same for many people; one has got to change for the better.

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