Thursday, December 24, 2009

Why David Letterman Is Not So Funny

Those late night comics must be getting desperate. Especially, David who used to be funny, especially back in the days when he was starting up. And now that he is up, meaning famous among the late-nighters, he is not funny.

Especially when the funny is supposed to be scenes of people, who are actors, being bitten by sharks, having a fallen object crash on a person's head, and other forms of dismemberment that used to be in the purviews of the shock horror Stephen King movies.

Have we become so insensitized and desensitized that the latest jokes involve having people being displayed violently killed in front of the television audience? Gone are the days when people would laugh at stand-up jokes made by the likes of Carol Burnett, Phyllis Diller, Robin Williams, etc.

We seem to be living in a leaner, meaner society, especially if we look at the humor on Dave's show. Course it's all in fun, but I liked it better when fun meant poking at the idiosyncracies of people's habits, like the bad driver, or the inattentive one, or airplanes with the skinny bathroom stalls, or the co-worker who gets way too disruptive on the job, or skinny people who pay $20 for an all-you-can-eat buffet, and only eat the greens, or the cat who thinks it's a dog, or the dog who thinks it's a cat.

Dave the jokes on you, and please drop the tired Regis Philbin jokes.

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