Monday, December 21, 2009

Why Food TV Network is not Good for the Pocketbook or Health

Sometimes when the night is long and sleep does not come easily, I turn to watch the Food Network channel. While the programs are often enjoyable and interesting, I found one program called Unwrapped, may influence people into becoming more lazy cooks.

For example, one episode showcased the history and popularity of a brand called Mrs. Smith's. This product line turns out thousands of pies of all varieties, for special occasions like Thanksgiving and not so special events. But what ever happened to good old pie-making? I once participated in a pie contest at work. It is so much more rewarding and economical to make your own pies and add your own ingredients. In my case, I made a recipe that was a combination of apples and nectarines. The sweetness and sourness of the two ingredients must have been a great combination because it was enough to impress the judges. I won first place, which surprised me because the other contestants had submissions that appeared to have been very time-consuming but was equally impressive.

I applaud all new bakers! As an infrequent baker myself, I wholeheartedly encourage people to try to bake or make your own desserts. It is far more rewarding to do so, and people who choose to buy, rather than make your own desserts, may be missing out on an experience that not only helps stretch the dollar, but teaches kids, too that sometimes the best things come about when you work twice as hard at something.

Have we reached the stage as a society that people are now to lazy to do things for themselves? Nowadays, we can heat up everthing for our every day needs and find our breakfast, lunch and dinner all ready to heat in the frozen food aisle. Therein may lie the heart of some of society's unemployment problem. There are many people out there who are too lazy to work, much less make food for themselves.

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